Accessing the Pines Magnetic Resonance Center - Core Facility
The PMRC Core Facility is open for collaborations with our external partners from non-affiliated academic institutions and industry. UC Berkeley campus has a program, Berkeley Research Infrastructure Commons, to facilitate and streamline the transactions between core facilities and external partners. There are two modes of access available:
In-person and direct access to PMRC Core spectrometers via an Access Agreement,
Submitting samples for analysis via a Routine Services Agreement
Fees associated with the services agreement are pay-as-you-go for instrument and staff times that will be needed to fulfill the requested NMR services. In-person access has a $5,000 annual fee associated with the program, and it is required for new users to get trained by the PMRC Core staff before access is granted to our spectrometers. Fees associated with both programs are published by the College of Chemistry. See College of Chemistry Outside Recharge Rates for current prices.
PMRC Core participates in the Research Infrastructure Commons, or Berkeley RIC, which is a group of UC Berkeley's core R&D facilities, startup incubator labs, and other resources that are available for shared use. The PMRC Core is accessible to external partners via Berkeley RIC after executing a business friendly contract template. Templates for routine services and access agreements are available as PDF downloads. Final contracts are executed via DocuSign.
It is expected by the Business Conracts and Brand Protection at UC Berkeley that the terms in the main body and exhibit 1 of the contracts to be non-negotiable in order to participate in the Berkeley RIC program. Please contact in order to initiate the contracting process.
Access the PMRC with Second Lab
External partners can gain access to the Pines Magnetic Resonance Center’s Core NMR Facility with streamlined contract approvals and payments via Second Lab, the UC Berkeley-approved SaaS platform for renting core facilities equipment and services to external users.
Second Lab key features:
One contract to access all core facilities participating from the UC Berkeley campus
Credit card payments accepted
To learn more about Second Lab and sign-up, visit the PMRC webpage at Second Lab.
If you have questions and wish to speak directly with SecondLab; call 866-954-8227 or email